January 21, 2010

you know these people

not literally that is, but the faces should tell enough. migrating some sketchbook attitudes into 'real work'. working so far. also, skipping between books helps to keep the energy up. let's see how it turns out!

January 10, 2010

with variations

i guess i look like this when drawing! more cranky people tomorrow

January 08, 2010

haar haar

one more of these while i'm doing the layouts and thumbs and stuff.
p.s. according to google translate, "haar" means both "her" and "hair" in dutch! had no clue!

January 05, 2010

onward toward progress

progress: a year ago drawing women was quite a lottery! (nowadays it's still lottery, but a bit less. i still draw an occasional bad transvestite every now and then)

January 03, 2010

so this is the new year

2009 was good, but 2010 will be even better: port silver is nearing completion (the first book anyway), and tomorrow i start drawing superman AND the 'next thing' for marvel. and that's just how it starts- after that, even more exciting things.

hope you all have a great year!