March 23, 2010

天皇 / tenno

exactly one hundred years ago, akira kurosawa was born. try to watch one of his movies today if you can- each one is excellent. this was also a chance to try out some paints i never used before- i switched it from ink to paint midway, poor planning!


zanzan said...

cool painting, i've had rashomon and dreams on dvd for a while now but have never gotten around to watching either of them. got a pretty bad habit of drawing while watching films, which i cant do with foreign films. think i'll start rashomon tonight - thanks for the heads up.

Ryan MCFC said...

Best filmmaker of the first century of film. His movies are thoughtful and beautiful even in the most horrible moments. If you have not seen "Ran" that is a great one to introduce you to Kurosawa's genius. The battle scene where everyone is full of arrows and blood covers all and the only sound you hear is the beautiful score until a gunshot brings all the sounds of battle rushing in, is one of the most perfectly crafted scenes in cinema. It is a painting in 24fps. Thank you for alerting me to the fact that today would have been Kurosawa's 100th birthday!

Maxim said...

Od cijelog njegovog opusa, meni se na kraju najviše sviđa Last Man Standing za kojeg je napisao scenarij, samo, uvijek sam se pitao, koja je to fora sa japancima i njihovim fetišem na junake lonere sa dva pištolja?

valjda je to po njima zapadni ekvivalent njihovom samuraju :)

tonci said...

zanzan: rashomon would be better for starters, yes =)

bester: thanks!

ryan: indeed. and there's a number of instances of what he described as "cinematic beauty" in every movie he did

maxim: pogledao si svih 30? meni je najdrazi high and low za sad, ali sam na trecini tek. last man standing bi trebao pogledat opet, gledao ga onda kad je izasao...

Maxim said...

krivo sam se izrazio, dio opusa kojeg sam gledao, što za mene znači cijeli, jer ono što nisam gledao, a ne intrigira me na prvu, ni ne gledam...

ali vidim, ti to sistematski rješavaš :)

tonci said...

maxim: pa, nije da je mene posebno interesiralo dok nisam poceo gledat. generalno svi pogledaju sedam samuraja i yojimba. ja sam poceo pustivsi jednom throne of blood, kao "aj, da vidim". nakon toga mi je interes naglo skocio.

Bob said...

Uuuu... Odlična slika! I da, High and Low je i meni najdraži, uz Sedam samuraja. A Kagemusha i Drunken angel su odmah tu negdje iza. Doduše, trebalo bi pogledat i ostale. A valjda jednog dana u penziji... :D