the last monday i spend drawing divas. that's a pretty expensive dress, by the way, and the shoes- first pair of blahniks in the whole book. unbelievable but true.
the first inked (and cropped) panel of issue 4. i love drawing shelves full of books, which doesn't mean i'm fast at it. this probably took an hour to ink. but it's one of the ways to sneak in hand lettering in the pages! the homage bit is too obscure- maybe two people will see it.
the deadline was half an hour this time so i had to go with the first sketch... on a different note, stubble going gray is quite hard to draw and all these people seem to be covered with it.
drawn sometime during july, this rendition in the classic manner perfectly captures the joyfulness of days of 12-hour stretches and one million degrees of heat and humidity. thus, no line is an accident! (pronounce the sound with a deep gargle to get it right)